Selenite – ‘Bring In the Light’

Hi! I'm Sargam

You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.

I recently came across selenite and instantly fell in love with the beautiful white light that it emits. The Selenite crystal is a light bringer and can light any area within you and around you that is dark so this is a perfect crystal to keep where you want light (energy)

It is gypsum and is a sensitive crystal on a Moh’s scale it is a 2 and is easily soluble in water. This crystal does not need cleansing and energising  just some light to replenish. So keep it near a window where there is plenty of sunlight. You can also put it out in a few days to let it soak the light.

The word Selena is a greek word for moon and it is just as gorgeous as the full moon. You can see the beautiful selenite in the video it feel as if you are holding the moon. The energy is cooling and calming.

Selenite is a great altar piece as it is continually clearing low vibrational energies, working in pure love & light. It increases overall clarity and worldly awareness, as it shifts your thoughts to a higher frequency.

Simple word of caution: Selenite is a high vibration crystal and you need to be prepared to work with this crystal. When I say prepared it means expect a powerful detoxification at all levels and in every area of your life.


Selenite Snapshots
Colored Prana: Brilliant White Light
Element: Water
Archangel: Uriel
Planet: Moon
Chakra: All Chakras


Selenite crystals help to remove all energy blockages in the body and also the subtle bodies. If you place a selenite wand on any area of the body that feels sore or tight, for about 20 minutes, and you will feel the difference.

Selenite is also excellent for clearing and purifying jewelry and environments. I often place my crystal healing jewelry on a Selenite charging plate over night, and in the morning, it feels light and clean.

The selenite healing properties hold the energy of the light and it feels good. When I hold Selenite wand or stone, I know I am holding a piece of Mother Nature’s most magnificent creation. One of the most beautiful displays of Selenite appears in the Naica Cave, in Mexico. The largest one weighs around 55 tons and estimated to be 50,000 years old.


Test the crystal for yourself by holding it for 11 minutes and if it feels great try sleeping with it under the pillow.

Let me know your experience.


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