Day 5: Love makes the world go round
The quality that supports, enhances, nurtures and encourages all life in the universe can be nothing but LOVE. Creativity and kindness can exist only in an environment of love have you ever wondered why this warm fuzzy feeling can make you feel on top of the world? It is because love provides security, harmony and an environment of well being. All of us crave for that feeling in our life which is our true nature.
LOVE is the third face of intention.When you do what you do not love , you experience yourself to be out of alignment with the field of intention and it attracts dissatisfaction. However when you love what you do and do what you love, life is a blessing.
In the meditation of MCKS Twin Hearts ,the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi there is a beautiful line “Where there is hatred let me sow love” Love is a powerful high vibration/energy that can dissolve all lower emotions anger, hatred, jealousy. Just like a single candle can absorb the darkness of a room. Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy in the world,
Exercise: Look in the mirror , smile at this person and say I LOVE YOU straight in the eyes. Say this till the warm fuzzy feeling sinks in this is the person who needs your love the most.
Please join for the Tuesday gratitude meditation