Our children are the future face of humanity if we want to see a better world we will have to create it now. no amount of criticism can change the world it is only our investment in our present generation that can bring the Golden Age on Planet Earth. Although this article is written for Mindful Parenting of the new generation this is highly applicable to our own inner children our emotional selves which have been neglected and deprived of love and affection. Our own emotional selves which have been harmed more by not what was done but what was not done to us due to emotional neglect. probably we all can learn how we can start healing our own selves when we are interacting with our own children. A child will help you deal with your own shadow aspect so be open and receptive to the mutual learning.
Children are like soft clay when a baby is in the mother’s womb its energy field are so soft and receptive that it picks up every thought form and emotion that the mother and the surrounding projects. A child although is a child but is a reincarnation it had a definite nature and tendencies in his or her previous lifetime but when the transition happens from physical to different worlds these tendencies become latent. When the child reincarnates it again travel from different worlds (higher mental. lower mental , astral , etheric) to the physical world and carries all the seeds good and bad of the tendencies developed in the previous lifetime.
Now the thought forms which are nothing but packets of energy when are project in the surroundings of the baby it energizes the tendencies within the baby. For example if a parent is highly abusive and angry and if the child in his previous lifetime had similar tendencies they will now be energized. How ever if the parents and mother are extremely loving and appreciative the child will have those tendencies energized. So you can see how the parents and the surroundings of the baby can help in shaping a child’s nature.
The physical body of a child is like plastic readily impressible, his astral and mental vehicles are far more so. They thrill in response to every vibration which they encounter, and are eagerly receptive with regard to all influences, whether good or evil, which emanate from those around them. And they resemble the physical body also in this other characteristic — that though in early youth they are so susceptible and so easily moulded, they very soon set and stiffen and acquire definite habits, which when once firmly established can be altered only with great difficulty.
When the bad tendencies do not get enough energy they are weeded out. When we realize this, we see at once the extreme importance of the surroundings in which a child passes his earliest years, and the heavy responsibility which rests upon every parent to see that the conditions of the child’s development are as good as they can be made.
Think of all the friends whom you know so well, and try to imagine what splendid specimens of humanity they would be if all their good qualities were enormously intensified, and all the less estimable features absolutely weeded out of their characters.
TIPS for Mindful Parenting
1.Strengthen the Good
This is extremely important if we focus on the goodness or good qualities of the child it magnifies. These good qualities will be so dominant that the lower nature or tendencies will not get energy to surface. However if a parent allows himself to cherish feelings of anger or jealousy, of envy or avarice, of selfishness or pride, even though he may never give them outward expression, the vibrations which he thereby causes in his own desire/ astral-body are assuredly acting all the while upon the plastic astral body of his child, tuning its vibrations to the same key, awakening into activity any tendencies of these bad qualities that may have been brought over from his past life, and setting up in him also the same set of bad habits, which when they have once become definitely formed will be exceedingly difficult to correct. And this is exactly what is being done in the case of most of the children whom we see around us.
2.Watch your Own Thoughts
A we understand our thoughts energize the seeds (good tendencies/habits) or weeds (bad tendencies/habits) in a child it is very important for parents to be very watchful of what they think and how they behave. For example if a parent has an anxious and fussy nature — is always fidgeting about trifles, and worrying his children and himself about matters which are really quite unimportant. If he could but observe clairvoyantly the utter unrest and discomfort which he thus produces in his aura, and could further see how these vibrations introduce quite unnecessary agitation and irritation into the susceptible auras of the children, it would no longer be surprised at their occasional outbursts of petulance or nervous excitability, and would realize that in such a case it is often far more to blame than they. What they should contemplate and set before the child as the object, is a restful, unruffled spirit — the peace which passes all understanding — the perfect calm which comes from the confidence that all will at last be well.
It is further obvious that the training of the parents’ character which is necessitated by these considerations is in every respect a splendid one, and that in thus helping on the evolution of their children they also benefit themselves to an extent which is absolutely incalculable, for the thoughts which at first have been summoned by conscious effort for the sake of the child will soon become natural and habitual, and will in time form the background of the parents’ entire life.
3.Responsible Teaching
The influence of a teacher for good or for bad over his pupils is one that cannot readily be measured, and (exactly as before) it depends not only upon what he says or what he does, but even more upon what he thinks.
The children are young minds upon which a teacher’s thoughts and words are reflected they take it up and magnify and strengthen it, and thus it influences others in turn and becomes a tradition handed down from one generation of children to another. If a teacher reflects unwholesome thoughts and actions the tradition becomes unhappy and bad however if love and faith is transmitted a happy and good tradition may be set up almost as easily.
There is only one way in which either parent or teacher can really obtain effective influence over a child and draw out all the best that is in him — and that is by winning his love and confidence. It is true that obedience may be extorted and discipline preserved by inspiring fear, but rules enforced by such a method are kept only so long as he who imposes them (or someone representing him) is present, and are invariably broken when there is no fear of detection; the child keeps them because he must, and not because he wishes to do so.
But if on the other hand, his affection has been invoked, his will at once ranges itself on the side of the rule; he wishes to keep it, because he knows that in breaking it he would cause sorrow to one whom he loves; and if only this feeling be strong enough, it will enable him to rise superior to all temptation, and the rule will be binding no matter who may be present or absent. Thus the object is attained not only much more thoroughly, but also much more easily and pleasantly both for teacher and pupil, and all the best side of the child’s nature is called into activity, instead of all the worst. Instead of rousing the child’s will into sullen and persistent opposition, the teacher arrays it on his own side in the contest against distractions or temptations; and thus results are achieved which could never be approached on the other system.
4. Physical Training and Purity
Physical training of the child is a matter of the greatest importance, and that a strong, pure, healthy body is necessary for the full expression of the developing soul within. We need to teach them from the first the exceeding importance of physical purity, so that they may regard the daily bath just as much an integral part of his life as the daily food. See to it that the body is not abused with meat, alcohol or tobacco; see to it that there is always plenty of sunlight, of fresh air and lots of exercise. So that they grow up pure, healthy and happy.