“The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird sleeps in the egg; and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities……”
– James Allen
After half a month of spiritual vacation in Italy and Greece I landed in Delhi on 13th November, the pollution level of the city was drastically high. I sat with Samaira in my arms at the airport waiting for our luggage, it was 3 am in the morning my eyes were itching with the fume like atmosphere inside the airport. I was just thinking if inside the airport it is this bad not sure what would be the environment outside?
A couple of days ago we were in Greece eating organic produce, inhaling fresh air and rejuvenating spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Coming back to home was a crash landing for me into practical reality.
It took me a week to gather myself back and accept the dichotomy of life this reflection and introspection always happens in times of transition from material reality to spiritual and from spiritual to material. I am sure many of you would have faced similar situations too. When you are so full of motivation after a retreat or a mind blowing class and are ready to take off with your superwoman/man cape to follow your dreams and life purpose there is something that makes you feel you are being held back or your progress is slow because……. your child is young and needs you, your maid took a long leave or your job happens to be on a rollercoster ride. Trust me there is a long list of why I cannot do what I am meant to do ….there is nothing wrong if you feel this is like your own story.
I had a deep conversation with my father on finding the balance. I am really fortunate to have my father beside me in such times sometimes experience of life really makes a difference in perceiving a situation. When we are back from a spiritual retreat we are so charged with the purpose and the will of our higher soul, we are so motivated to walk the path of purpose that even a slight obstacle in moving in that direction hurts. we are tied down with responsibilities of family, job ,daily routines and loved ones…and many of us stop here thinking once my life situation is more convenient for following my dreams I will take the action …and then something else happens and we postpone the action..and we get into a loop our mental chakravyuh (viscious circle) and you start thinking feeling depressed, angry and anxious because you are out of alignment from your soul’s calling, your life purpose.
So this is all about the reasons why you could not do what you were supposed to do. Let us see what was happening at an energetic level; you did not realize but you were constantly feeding the thought form of failure, the obstacles, the inadequacies of why pursuing your dream was not possible. This created more imbalance in your life because what you focus on ….grows that is the law of attention. I am sure we all have done this.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein.
I am sharing some quick tips to help you return to your heart space from the mind space which constantly keeps you out of balance.
- Direct Your Mental Energy To Focus on Your Dream/Purpose
Every thing needs energy to manifest so why spend it on situations that are bothering you because if you constantly supply it with mental energy you are unconsciously energizing your imbalanced life. So disconnect from all the reasons why you are stuck up in life and instead start defining your dream, your purpose, put it in words , speak about it , write about it, sing about it and pour in your mental energy into it. The following lines by 19th century writer Louisa May Alcott phrases it so well
“Far away in the sunshine, are my highest inspirations.I may not reach them,but I can look up and see the beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead…..”
2. There’s More to Life Than Making It Go Faster , Be Patient!
This is my second mantra, even if you are constantly energizing your dream there will be times when you will feel , life is not moving with the pace you want it to be. Sometime you will feel you are dragging life and sometime life will be dragging you. Ever felt it this way?? I have and trust me this is completely normal for all of us..
You cannot make your life move faster than it is moving. No matter how urgent your situation may seem to be, things are going to happen when they happen, not a minute sooner. Be patient with yourself. Be patient with others. Be patient with life. Patience always pays off!
With this always keep your eyes on your purpose your dreams
3. Master the Art of ‘Being’ rather than ‘Doing’
If you ask anyone are you free,rarely people will say they are because being busy is the new cool. So every one is busy doing something all the time. But if you really want to experience inner transformation you will have to reduce your busy time and change it to being time. This is where you can start with a 5 minute daily routine of just doing nothing instead experiencing your being so every 2 hours start practicing ‘being’ you can put an alarm and try it for a week. When you give yourself the time to ‘be’ by practicing mindfulness or meditation you actually get an appointment with yourself. The true you who is created by God for a unique purpose.
4. Climb Down the Mountain of Expectations
This one is a the chart topper in my list and has led to the frustrations of most of the people I have healed, they feel they are not able to achieve as per the expectations either of their loved ones or sometime their own. It is great to set goals , it is great to have expectations but only if it motivates you to move forward. If somehow the mountain of expectations is too big and high it is better to climb down a little and introspect. Never let your expectations become an obstacle in achieving your dreams. Most of the people beat themselves up because they are unable to meet these expectations leading to depression, stress and anxiety
5. You Are Your Best Version …NOW!!
Celebrate your Presence rather than stressing over it…
“Comparison is the thief of all JOY”
This is the last but the most important mantra , the moment you start looking around with your comparative eyes , you are ruining your own happiness , stagnating your growth. Social media can fuel these feelings Facebook and Instagram are an excellent platform to feel this pain 😉 .
Trust me I have gone through these bouts of comparisons too and then finally I realized that what ever people are doing is their reality, they are living a life based on following their dreams . If I want to live a life of my dreams I will have to chase my dreams and live my reality not theirs. I can either spend my energy in creating my reality or waste it criticizing, comparing and judging others..the choice is mine.
This has made me more grateful and appreciative of the life people have created for themselves it gives a hope and motivation to create an extraordinary life for myself too. So get inspired and use all the awesome life events that are happening to others as a validation of dreams coming true.
When you see a sunset you can never say ohh the sunset could be better.. some more shades can be added, may be sun could set a bit to the right or to the left… every sunset is just perfect the way it is BUT when you look at yourself, one of god’s most loved creation you are constantly trying to perfect your self by comparing and competing interfering with the love and uniqueness with which you were created.
Remind Yourself Now – You are your Best Version!
Love Sargam!