Psychic Protection

Psychic Protection



Have you ever noticed that a lot of your favourite superheroes have matching armbands? What is the reason for this? We believe that energy symmetry has a lot of power.


Have you ever noticed that a lot of your favourite superheroes have matching armbands? What is the reason for this? We believe that energy symmetry has a lot of power. A Black Onyx Bracelet worn on the left wrist will bring a sense of stability into the body and spirit. The Pyrite Bracelet, which you’ll wear on your right wrist, is all about the energy you send out into the world. It serves as a protective shield, reflecting undesirable energy back to its source. When you wish to both prevent negative energy and encourage positive energy in, wear the Psychic Protection Bracelets.You’ll be protected against unwanted, low vibrational energy and flooded with a sense of security thanks to the combination of these bracelets and their respective stones.

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